
As I haven’t mention jet what is realia I’m going to post you here a video so that you Know what this means:

Also you can see a school practice that I have made in a school where realia is there, this is in the sense of smell (in school training)
Once we know what this means I’m going to give you my opinion.
First I would like to say that we are constantly learning and in some questionnaires that have been made to different people the answer was that people are most use to learn those thing that are going to be useful for their normal lives that those hypothetical cases.
Also there have been other investigations that have concluded that when you (people of any age) learn throught real things that they can manipulate or thing that they can do they are more easier to learn that does one that are not used.
So I think that we have to try that children in the schools try things, learn to discover, learn get wrong and learn through it, because later when they are out of school they are going to use this, and that not the only reason, the main thing is that is proved that this work, so we don’t have to be scared if they are not sit down with their books, let them explore and share what they have disrobe.
I’m going to end making some questions:
What about if we learn to drive a car only studding a book?
What about if you learn to swim reading a book only?
Do will get your hair cut if the hair dress learns to cut the hair in a library?

If you answer ‘’no’ ’to this questions: why some teachers didn’t let children to put in practice what they have learn? here is more useful information and remembers that you can see in this link an activities that I have put them in practice in the school, and this one is about the sense of smell where the principal activity has realia as the main idea because they have to go to different tables and smell different thing

In this photo is an easy explanation of the importance of expreriences:

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