The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler (5-6 years old)

The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler

5-6 years old 

In my opinion this is a funy and great story, where children can learn who to discribe and work in an specific setting. 

So trought this book we can develop:

-           Discribe someone or something
-          Imagin and tell
-          Ask and answer questions

Listening and responging
-          Listen know the setting, the characters and the problen and solution.

-          Roll playing

Understand and interpretating
-          Indentify the main events and characters, and find specific information.
-          What happens, order the story.

-          Discribe
-          Compere (childrenof more age)
-          Order the ideas and put them together with sense


(remember not to use so much Wh- questions)

§      First we ask the children what they think that is a Gruffalo, but they have to try to explain it describing it.
Possible question:
What is a Gruffalo?
What does a Gruffalo eats?
Where live a Gruffalo?

§      Later we will show the covert if the book and they will have to say which one they think that is the Gruffalo and why.
§      Then before we start reading it we can read the synopsis that is in the back so that they can make expectative for the story.

Actual teaching

§      We read it first very slowly and emphasizing that thing than then they will have to repeat. Also showing pictures.
§      The next time (can be other day) they will have to try to repeat the thing that is constantly repeated.


§      We will make a big poster of the Grufalo and try to describe him (later they can write it). For children with more level they can compare the main characters.
Also they can paste on the different parts of the Grufalo the main characteristics.
Later the other why round the teacher describes the Gruffalo and they have to draw it.
§      Work the time of the story with the different characters that appears. Order the story and the facts.
§      Change the story altering the characters.
§      Finally they can represent the story making up their dresses, masks...

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