University class daily

UNIT 1: Teaching in primary classroom

Friday 5th of September 2014- The mysterious box

What do you think can be inside a box?
Maybe you san sake it, listens carefully or maybe smells it to know what it is, and if you can't discover what’s inside, you can try touching it...

The clue here is the attention and the interest for the box or the object is there.
you or me like and adult are absolutely interested in knowing what’s in, so think about how a child will attend, participate and have fun trying to discover what’s inside.
And that’s what we have to tray in our classes to make Childs interested and exited to discover, to learn new things, and that’s in our hand, in a teacher hands.

Tuesday 9th September 2014
Working with children
Sitting down in the table

What about sitting on a table in a university class?
At first it seems to be a little bit crazy, but that’s where I’ve been sitting in my university class. and by experience at first it seems to be funny and different, but a few minutes later its starts to be uncomfortable, but that’s the point, not always teaching or more specific, been a child sited in a map for minutes nor hours is comfortable, but we have to experimented again, and discover how if we don’t like to be there like a statue on a table or in a map, we shouldn’t pretend that our children loves that.  And once we realize this fact we have to try and change our methodology, make children involucrate in the classes, in their learning, they can be flowers, a forest, the wolf or they can find the mysterious chest... anything that make them part of their learning, this is the only way to success on the work of learning, at the same time they play (don’t forget that they are kids).

Friday12 September 2014

How to listen
How to speak
create a context
Listen main words
Use different resources
Be natural



You can teach:

Parts of the body
Comments Actions
Music instruments


One book very similar à The cruching munching caterpillarà  Sheridan Cain & Jack Ticke

You can teach:

Days of the week
Food (fruits and normal food)
Day and night/sun and moon

I will post a page with some activities invented by me for work simons says and the very hungry caterpillar in Actv. children's literature.

Sometimes we use to use some books or some song like we used to watch or listen when we were small, or  like someone create them, but that it have to  be the starting point of our imagination, and move over the starting point of a big learn. What I want to say is that for learning with one book or with one song we can make a lot of exercises, so that a funny song can be the start of a funny and deep learn.
Also we can get of sample taken others ideas, like for example Carol Read who in her blog give as some ideas, tips and resources for primary language teacher.
The important thing is that we like teachers or future teacher have to look forward to be active and creative teachers, which means to be continuously creating, exploring or imagine new activities, where children participate.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

I went to the supermarket
«     Can I help you?
«     Can I have...?
«     Anything else?
«     How much?
«     Here you are.
«     Thank you. 

Today i went shopping, but also like every Tuesday since some weeks ago I went to the university, and this is possible because today in a moment we made and ‘’go’’ to the supermarket.
This is possible making the roll-playing where by acting it’s easier to learn some questions or answers that we use in our real live. And that is one of the things that we have to pretend when we teach, because the normal teach is the one that is useful to probe an exam, or thing that are learned by hard, neglecting those thing that are useful in the day to day.
That’s why it’s a good recourse to recreate in our class a supermarket or something like this, where the children can practice and improve their English language skills, with the help of their teacher and with their partners.

Friday 19th September 2014

Peter piper
The slippery snake

Voiced /d/
Voiceless /t/
How to drill: drilling activities... (Busy teacher)

Bowels- intestines
Vowels- vocals
Invent or find some twister with the story
Some words of the story and make a twister
What is a tongue twister?

Some dictionaries would define it like:

A sequence of words that is difficult to pronounce, especially rapidly, because of so many similar sounds in a row, or because of some slight changes in consonant sounds, as "She sells seashells by the seashore.''

But if I have to define it I would say that a tongue twister I would say that it is a great opportunity to work with the pupils the pronunciation at the same time you can work with vocabulary, or also you can make some according with the story you are working with in that moment.

This is one resource along with others like stories, poems, songs… that make the student improve in their speaking and listening (very important to speak to listen and reproduce the sound, and with it the words) and that’s why the teaches should work with this type of activities, and remember that a funny activities doesn’t mean that is not useful, like some people use to think.

 *I will post a page with more tongue twister in reading and speaking.

23rd September 2014

Connect book with things of real live
Abecedary with essential sort and easy words
Sight words -- everything with name/ see the word in contexts many times, hear a word and say it aloud, identify words in context and in isolation
Class dictionary (doctors, words with doctors...)
To be flexible and resourceful (fotos del rincón)
direct questions, no wh- questions

It is known that some time to start reading and writing use to be a difficult skill and this is why we as teachers or future teachers have to try to make this work interesting and easy for the students.
So one important thing is that a teacher has to be flexible and resourceful like I said in other posts, but this time I what to remark the importance of thinking what is the best why so teaching and for the students learning. What I what to say is that teaching by the easy way (only with an editorial book) of teaching children don’t really learn, so we have to go more over and tray to create new thing and trying to make easier the learning.
For example by telling one vocabulary word or putting the abecedary, student is not going to learn or remember by magic. But if instead of that we put pictures in different objects of the class (sight word), or in each letter of the abecedary, were they see it 5 days a week, most part of the day, they will finally learn it without practically any effort and also they would use it.
This doesn’t mean that teachers have to work with any book, by the only way of hanging words or pictures, what I try to say is that we can go more over the book… for example in some books there are a lot of vocabulary, where you have to match the word with a picture, or color the right picture… so it would be a nice idea to create a class dictionary where the kids can draw and write some vocabulary (for example by topics) and later if they want to say one word they can go to that dictionary look up for the picture and try to say it. Or if we go more over with that dictionary they can read a special book where most of the words are pictures were they have to say the name of that picture while they are reading.
This is one of a lot of thing we can do for teach vocabulary, and more over reading and writing, and not the traditional learn by heart.

26th September 2014     

Nowadays every teacher that wants to be a good one, is always looking how to improve her job, looking resources, methodologies… but one important thing that makes the difference of ones and others, and if we go moreover, the difference between the traditional teach and an new one, is that the new one is for the student, for each one, so the education is focalized in the children, in their abilities and their interests. In other words, the multiple intelligences of Howard Gardner, for mi the handicap of lots of schools and one of the ways of arriving to the clue of the best way of teaching.
If you can learn more about the multiples intelligences, you can read more in the following link, where makes an excellent resume of it:

You can also be hear him in this interesting interview à

So, why don’t we try (teachers or future teachers) to work for example the different intelligences trough a book, so that we don’t only make participle all students, we also educate in the different intelligences, so they can develop the different ones, always without pretending they learn them by heart, or imposing one.

UNIT 2: Activating children’s literature

Class 30th September 2014

Today we learn to make a square with the ayes close; it’s not the game if not the intention of the same. This game it can be called the blinded game, and this game it can be a great way of knowing the roles of the team class, so that at the time of making teams it can be a great way of making them mix and each one can provide something good and different to the team.

This is not all today we start our team work that we will talk about in other post, but I’m going to advance that it’s about books, fables, trickster’s tales, fairytales, tall tales....

7th October 2014

It’s true that when we said that we love a book is because of the content; the funny pictures; nice characters; happy endings… and for children are the same they usually like that colorful books and funny stories. That’s not bad, but we can recommend them for the library of the class, but when we teach trough a book we need to go more over and detect something like for example: morals, the characters, the setting, what we can work with it… so that we don’t simply read a book, if not we try to go more over and tray to teach something while they have a nice time.

14th OCTOBER 2014

Today not only we start our book team group, and we meet a new exchange partner (that fortunately is in our group); our teacher  put us some examples of which a few weeks ago looking for books and storytelling I discovered that it was a great story teller which I admire, this is Michel Rosen. And I admire him because he is not only  make great stories, he also tell them making people of all ages get stare seeing him act, without mention that since I had listen a few weeks ago (before this class) ‘’ We’re going on a bear hunt’’ I can’t stop singing it and making the movements of the story so imagin the kids.

we're going on a bear hunt

chocolate cake

Since the last post to this one, by groups and as you can see in other post like in the page of reflections, or activities children’s literature… I have been working about how to teach the fable of Goldilocks

Unit 3: ICT and multimedia

18th November 2014

Today we have started the unit 3, where by groups we have talk about the different characteristics that we have saw in our schools practices, and later we learn more about that. Because sometime we forget to think about what kind of thing our class children are capable to do in their ages, and that’s so important in order to make logical activities and objectives.

Moreover we start to learn to how to teach literature to the big ones, these are for example to children of 8 to 10 years for example, where all of us realize this ages as a difficult one to leach or read books. Is for that that by groups we start to think about what book we will pick to teach, were we start thinking about the book of the lion, the witch and the wardrobe, but wasn’t as easy as we thought so we are looking for a new one.

 And this is not all, we also start to think about how to introduce the ICT’s in our class so that for children of this ages is more attractive.

This is the beginning of what I suppose that is a new project that I look forward to saw you in a near future.

21st November 2014

 Today we start in the informatics class to introduce ourselves in the ICT's. so throught our teacher we discover such a great ICT’s to work with our future primary class, because one of the thing that we know from children of this ages is that they love technologies and what best way of teaching than through them.

If for this that you will be able to see in future post especially in ICT’s and the ones of literacy ideas the introduction of this programs and new ideas according to nowadays children.
to sum up the ideas  to have fun, because is not only that people use them if not for example one day at first hour where people are sleepy or fed up of the routine this can makes them start happy the day and that’s wonderful.
And this is a hundred percent applicable to our classes and to our schools.

25th November 2014

During lots of post I have been talking about the importance of an active teacher and the importance of being creative, and today in my university class finally we talk about it. Our teacher give as an essential idea (we were en two gropes and there where one idea for each) and though it we had to think about we would like to do.
In my case it was about street traffic respect, where my grope liked my idea of making a flash mod. That is a way of having fun at the same time that they try to help to improve some aspects of the society.
The other group was about using in the metro the normal stairs instead going by the electronic ones, they thought about making a free pass if you use them a number of time. This is good thinking about the economy… but in my head when they were explaining it brings up to my mind why not they put some kind of light so that when people go through them it appears different colors or different scenes… but that stay in my mind.
Once they the two groups share those ideas our teacher put us some great ideas that you can see at the end on this daily page. And the thing is that with happy and fun the things work better than being rude or bored.

Fast Lane - The Slide

The Dancing Traffic Light

Piano stairs - -

Since this last post we have been finishing some nice things for the blog so that people like you can enjoy it and take use of it. Specially we were doing ICT things.

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