Teacher competences

When we think about how it has to be a teacher we think of a lot of thing like skill, Knowledge’s, competences…
Here I’m going to talk about a teacher competences, first of all as a english teacher for example you need skills as speaking , writing, listening, and reading, and you need them in the grade that you have to teach them so, in this I will say that as future teachers or another specialty as music, arts, physical education… I know that for many people the job is important but please if you think that you don’t have the right skills to teach the best way, is best that you look for another job, sorry if I’m rude but children doesn’t have the foul that you don’t find a job accorded to your skills, if you are good in an specific thing look a job that matches with it so that children can receive the best of their education.
Moreover and now talking about competences we can say that a teacher has develop almost all what Howard Gardner named as multiple intelligences, is true that as all person we have one that is best than the others, but I think that  teachers have more develop all of them because we are constantly using them.
But there are one that I’m going to emphasize because I think that is very important and now a days it is forgotten this is the intrapersonal, the capacity of sociability.
The thing is that talking about the teachers they work as a team with their partners… but I have seen how teachers don’t know how to react so some social reactions, as for example a cry of a child or a simple, nice and lovely hug. The thing that a teacher doesn’t bear from them to return a hug or saying or doing a caress is not only shocking is also very alarming.
What is happening when it is give more importance to a concept or some subjects as math or sciences, than to social thing? It’s not a subject, but is for my more important than for example numbers (that are also important don’t misunderstand) because we are person, we are not robots or furniture and that a teacher has to have it as a first item.
We are persons that want to educate and teach another person, so came one if you need to stop a class or give a hug to a child that is having a bad moment do it because the numbers are not going to give it.
I think that first came the persons and then the intellectual things, but maybe I’m a strange in a robot world.

Finally I would like to say that I don’t want to be misunderstanding, because all the subjects are important and useful, but what I wanted to emphasize in this reflection is the social competence that by experience I have probed that something wrong is becoming through this in some teacher and even in some schools.

As this post is named teacher competencies I’m going to show you some graphics about it:

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